Montana: Initiative 190 & Constitutional Initiative 118
Montana residents will get the opportunity to vote on recreational marijuana legalization on November 3, 2020! Make sure you are registered to vote so you can make your voice heard on Election Day.
Election Update: Initiative 190 and Constitutional Initiative 118 were both approved by Montana voters on November 3, 2020. Marijuana consumption and possession will be legal on January 1, 2021, and the state will begin accepting applications for marijuana business licenses by January 1, 2022.
What are the details?
Two separate marijuana-related questions will appear on the Montana ballot: Initiative 190 and Constitutional Initiative 118. Both of these initiatives must pass if Montana is to implement recreational marijuana legalization.
Initiative 190 will legalize recreational marijuana in Montana. You can read the full text of the initiative here. If approved, Initiative 190 will do the following:
- Legalize the possession and use of marijuana for persons over the age of 21.
- Enact a 20% tax on marijuana sales.
- Allow individuals to grow no more than four mature marijuana plants and four seedlings at one time in their own residence.
- Put the Department of Revenue in charge of regulating the marijuana industry and compel it to begin accepting applications for dispensaries by January 1, 2022.
- Allow local governments to prohibit marijuana facilities within their borders.
- Allow persons with past convictions for certain marijuana-related crimes to request a reduction of their sentence or an expungement of their record.
- Allow Montana to set the minimum age for purchasing marijuana at 21.